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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Setting up Mamewah with new skin

First things first, make sure you're Mame program works before attempting to setup Mamewah for your front-end. I use Mame32qa.
You can get Mamewah from here.
Make sure to download the Systems Files if this is a new install for Mamewah
To see a preview of my skin see my previous post. You can get the jpg and layout file in rar format from this link. This skin is for 1024x768 screens.

1.) Extract the systems files to a temp folder and run the "setup.bat" file.

2.) Now simply extract the file where ever you want to run mamewah from. I extracted it inside my mame32 directory. so my install locks like this:

3.) Create a folder called Niobe in the Layouts directory in Mamewah. Extract the Niobe.rar file into the new Niobe folder. so your directory structure should look like this. C:\Games\Mame32\Mamewah\Layouts\Niobe\"files go here"

4.) Now, at the root of your Mamewah directory, open mamewah.ini in notepad.
Here you can set different options.
- Music_Path: for example c:\mp3s. when you open Mamewah, it will start playing random mp3 files from this path.
- Under ### Misc Options ### find the "layout" option. Erase what is there and type: Niobe This will select the Niobe skin.

there are many other options you can play with in this file, but that's all i changed.
My next post i will go over the changes needed in the Mame.ini file for Mamewah.


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